It is first necessary to install the pyqrcode module. You can execute this command by writing it in your command prompt or terminal.
pip install pyqrcode
It will take a few seconds to install the module. We need to create a Python file from which we will generate a QR code.
1) Import essential modules.
import pyqrcode from pyqrcode import QRCode
2) Create the string that will represent the QR Code.
s = ""
3) The following commands will generate the QR code.
qr = pyqrcode.create(s)
4) The QR code is generated and stored in a 'qr' variable. The svg file can now be created and saved as "website.svg".
qr.svg("website.svg",scale = 7)
Now that we have the code finished, we can run the program. The program creates a .svg file named "website.svg" in the directory where the python file is located. When you open the file, you'll see a QR code (see the QR code image below). Scan it and you will see the string 's' that points to my website.
QR Code
I have posted this python file's source code on my GitHub repository. Also, check the walk-through on YouTube.
Thanks for reading!